Monday 2 September 2013

Budget Pampering

My stock list of essential budget beauty products.

packing for uni in a minimal way has gotten me thinking about the budget products I must have.

For a start everyone has toothpaste. I hope everyone has toothpaste. Anyway, it’s soap and quite strongly alkali in a very similar way to spot cream. Apply a little to each spot and it will dry up, should be cleared in 3 days max. JUST DON’T PICK! If you have a larger ‘issue’ mix a spot of toothpaste with some yogurt and oats and you’ll have an excellent face mask.

Aside from eating your leftover oats they’re great for softening water. Stick some in a sock or straight into your bath it will be a really silky feeling bath and softy soft skin. Rubbing it over your skin will also act as a mild exfoliator. If you need something a bit stronger try Epsom salts, just under £2 in boots. You can mix it with oil or baby lotion or leave it as is, and use just like a regular exfoliant.

Epsom salts are also great for bath soaks or to soak ruff skin. Soaking your feet in Epsom salts once a week or so then giving them a wipe with a rough towel should remove rough skin easily and baby lotion is perfect for after. Baby lotion is a bargain about £1.50 a bottle light and very moisturising it lasts ages and can’t possibly break the bank. Any homemade beauty products which suggest using olive oil or other oils can usually substitute baby loting for a much cheaper version.

Book of the Month September 2013

Prep School Confidential by Kara Taylor has been selected by Katie Waite to be our book of the month for september. 

Check it out on Good Reads before you read it.